There are two types of roles in Ocerra: Static roles and Dynamic roles.

Static roles are pre-defined system roles, every user requires to have at least one role. A role is given when a new user is invited to Ocerra. A user can have multiple roles.

There are five pre-defined/static roles in Ocerra:

  • Employee (usually given to approvers)
  • Accountant (usually given to a system champion)
  • Clerk (usually given to assist a champion)
  • Analyst (deprecated role, no need to use)
  • Supervisor (usually this role is given to someone who oversees all the documents and settings).
    • The Supervisor role does not grant permission to submit or approve invoices. If a supervisor is also an approver and/or an accountant, they will need to be assigned these roles as well.

Pre-defined roles matrix

*Dashboard widgets are the same across all users and show generic company information except “Recent Documents”. It shows invoices the user roles have access to. Dashboard widgets can be hidden globally.

**Inter Companies: this is an add-on; please contact us for more information.

When creating a new user, the system will require adding at least one role. A user can have multiple roles. Here's how to invite your team to Ocerra or update roles. 

Adding or removing roles

  • Navigate to Settings – Users – click on the email address of the user
  • Delete or add new role. To add a roles start typing the name of the role.
  • Click save.

Dynamic roles

Dynamic roles only exist in the workflow builder; when selecting a role on the transition step, it can be an "assign employee" role; in this situation, there will be an option to assign a user or multiple users from the drop-down list on the invoice. 

  • There are Assign Employee, Assign Employee 1, Assign Employee 2, Assign Employee 3, 4 and 5.

Learn how to assign an approver on the invoice.