
  • The best workflow to get started with online approval process
  • Assigning one or multiple employees to approve an invoice
  • Assign employee 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Getting started with an assign approver workflow

Getting started with an assign an approver workflow is the quickest way to start with online approval. All new invoices will be manually assigned by an AP admin or an accountant in Ocerra. 

For example:

Select multiple approvers

Ocerra now has a functionality to configure multiple approves in the assign employee workflow:

(!) There are no longer limitations on assigning approvals multiple steps ahead in your workflow. Now, the workflow suggests choosing to assign all approvals in a single step, providing greater control and efficiency in your approval process. 

Select once

Ocerra remembers approver(s) selected on the invoice, so you don't have to select it next time if it is the same approver(s).

Approving invoices

An approver will received an email notification and will have access to all the invoices they've been assigned to in the Approval Page in Ocerra.

Example setup in the workflow builder

In the example below, invoices arrive in the Received status, an accountant assigns one approver on the invoice to approve it:


Assign Employee 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

If you have more than three approvers and you want to differentiate them when assigning manually, you can use roles in the workflow builder:  Assign Employee 1, Assign Employee 2, Assign Employee 3, Assign Employee 4 and Assign Employee 5.

This way you can assign different people on multiple stages. i.e. Assign 1 - Technical Approval, Assign 2 - Financial Approval. 

Set up up to 5 button approvers:

Ocerra now supports a 5-step workflow! This means we've extended our capabilities to provide even more flexibility and control in your approval processes. With this enhancement you can tailor your approval processes to align perfectly with your unique requirements. 


And remember, our approval workflow services are provided on an hourly basis, ensuring that we can customise our solution to meet your specific needs.

Building your approval workflow

You can add custom statuses, assign roles to users, or assign a specific person on a specific transition. You can also set limits and auto-approval rules.

Ocerra's approval module is customisable, it can be configured following your business rules. Please get in touch with our team to discuss what would be the best way to set it up in Ocerra.

Learn more about approval workflow in Ocerra here.