
  • To connect Ocerra with MYOB Acumatica, you will need a user with an API license.
  • Learn how to create an API user and connect Ocerra with MYOB Acumatica.
  • Changes to the API user in MYOB Acumatica and imact on the Ocerra integraton.

To optimise your Ocerra integration, we recommend creating a dedicated user with a full API license specifically for Ocerra usage. Please consult your MYOB partner to ensure that you have the necessary API license provisioned for this purpose. 

In case you have a spare Full API license, we suggest using it for Ocerra. However, if you only have a Limited API License available, it can still be utilised; just keep in mind that a spare Full API license may need to be purchased if required.

To maintain a seamless connection between Ocerra and MYOB, we strongly advise against sharing the API user details with any other third-party applications. This precaution ensures uninterrupted functionality and security for your integration. 

Creating a new API user

  • In MYOB Acumatica, navigate to Users, and
  • Click + Create a new user
  • Create Login Name: OcerraAPI
  • Clear the Generate Password check box and enter password manually in the Password box.
  • Check the Allow Password Recovery, Allow Password Changed and Password Never Expires checkboxes.
  • API user does not require email communication but it is required to add an email address when create a new user in MYOB. 

For this purpsoes, you can use any placehodler email address, e.g.: ocerraapi@ocerra.com

Please note that it is not an actual email address, just a placehodler.

Here's an example setup in MYOB Acumatica:

API User Permissions

Please ensure this user has all the required permissions to access and import the required data to successfully create new Bills and Adjustments in MYOB system. For examle, inventories and branches if required on the AP bill.

Selecting Roles for the API User

Please ensure this user has an Administrator role selected:

Changing the API User Details

Changing the API user details will result in disconnection between Ocerra and MYOB Acumatica. 

To ensure uninerrupted connection, please do not change the API user Login name and Password.

To maintain uninterrupted connection, refrain from altering the API user's Login name and Password.

If a password change is necessary, promptly update it in the Ocerra integration settings to avoid any disruptions in service.

Read Next: How to update the API details in Ocerra integration settings.

Check this article for more information about Ocerra integration with MYOB Acumatica.