
  • Ocerra reads and extracts data from PDF files only.
  • Excel and Word files can be emailed to Ocerra for download, audit and reference purposes.

While Ocerra can process and extract data from PDF files only, you can view and download files that came to Ocerra in Word or Excel format via email. 

Manage incoming files via inbox

Navigate to the Inbox to view incoming emails and its content in Ocerra. All PDF files will feed to the Invoices list but you can see other files attached as well:

Manage incoming files via Email tab on the Invoice Page

Open Email tab on the Invoice page and view other files attached with the invoice. A PDF file won't be shown as an attachment here, as it is already open for a view and stored in Ocerra:

If you would like Ocerra to extract data from other formats, please save it as PDF before emailing or uploading to Ocerra. Either via Ocerra inbox or uploaded manually. 

File limits

  • PDF file should contain no more than 10 pages. PDF file with more than 10 pages will be truncated and available for download to review other pages. 
  • Each item must be on its onw individual page.
  • PDF file size limit is 8MB
  • 20 attachments per email
  • 9 documents per one manual upload