
  • This guide is intended for users integrating MYOB Acumatica with Ocerra. Learn how to manage over receipted purchase orders in Ocerra.


PO created had a quantity of 500, but two separate PO receipts were created for quantities of 122 and 384, totaling 506.

MYOB does not permit invoice quantities greater than the total receipted quantity. Upon export, Ocerra will display a warning message on the export screen: 

"Quantity billed is greater than the quantity in the original PO receipt for this row No:.#"

How to handle it:

1. Split the line, update Qty and adjust the total amount on both lines as on the screenshot. We made it easier to split by adding split by quantity, so they should split as per receipt, e.g.: 

2. Remove PO line and PO accrual from the second line - add the correct account as required. Here's how it should look after splitting:

This is the exported result:

Read next: Managing Partially Receipted Purchase Order Invoices