
  • Learn how this feature streamlines your invoice management process by automatically archiving invoices that have been paid and exported. 

To set up auto-archive, invoices need to be exported from Ocerra and paid in your system. Ocerra then syncs payment information to perform auto-archival if it is enabled. 

Enabling Auto-archival

  • Navigate to Settings - General
  • Auto Archive (Day) - set up after how many days you want invoices to be archived, e.g. 20
  • Auto Archive States - set up in what status(es) an invoice can be auto-archived, e.g. Submitted, Approved
  • If you have multiple statutes when auto-archival can be applied, use a comma to add more statuses, e.g. Approved, Declined


(!) Ocerra's API user should have a permission to import payment information from your system. To check if your payment information is available in Ocerra, navigate to Settings - Payments.

Please read: How to manually bulk archive invoices from the Invoices list.