Invoice workflow pop up provides detailed information about how your document was approved in Ocerra.
Please follow this step to open a workflow pop up:
1. Navigate to the Invoice tab from the menu
2. Open a document that you would like to review
3. Click on the Workflow button and you will see this pop up with three tabs (Log, Approvers and Transitions):
This tab shows how your document moved through workflow statuses, in the example above:
- Invoice was received by Ocerra AP - shows record of when the system processed your document.
- Invoice was submitted by AP admin.
- Invoice was approved by Anna Approver - she also left a comment: "Looks good".
Learn more about workflow comment here.
This tab shows a list of approvers that can approve this document based on your workflow schema. For example, in this workflow, we only set Anna as approver:
This tab shows transitions and allows to edit an approver, for example, if Anna is away, you can edit and update an approver from the drop-down list:
Here's how to edit an Approver on the Transition tab: