There are two options to configure MYOB Acumatica branches in Ocerra. Also, both options can be used at the same time: 

  1. Traditional branches - configuring branch selections on the line level and posting to the default/main branch Ocerra is connected to.  
  2. Consolidated branches - configuring branch selection on the header and line level of the invoice allowing to post to the selected branch/entity. This is a paid add-on, please read about it below. If unsure, please contact support. 

Traditional branches 

Branch selection is available on the line level only and Ocerra will create a bill in the default branch/entity it is connected to. For example, you can select a branch on the line level in Ocerra:


When posted to MYOB Acumatica, it will create an inter-branch transaction, e.g.:

However, on the Financial Details it will be the main entity/branch Ocerra is connected to:

Consolidated branches

Branch selection is available on the line level and on the header level of the document. 

  • Select the Branch name at the header level first, it will automatically auto-fill lines that you can also update to different branches for inter-branch record.

For example, you can select a branch/entity that you would like to post to in MYOB, e.g. TUROA:

In the MYOB financial details, you will have the branch that was selected at the header level in Ocerra:

Enabling traditional branches in Ocerra

  • Go to Settings - MYOB Acumatica
  • In Branches - add branch ID using comma separated list and Save:

Enabling consolidated branches in Ocerra

  • Go to Settings - MYOB Acumatica
  • In Branches - add branch ID using comma separated list
  • Enable Consolidated branches parameter and click save
  • If you are unsure about the pricing please get in touch with our support

Using Purchase Order for Branch automation

When invoice is matched with Purchase Order lines, a PO branch will be selected automatically. Ensure that the PO line is matched as well.

PO allows to post to multiple branches without consolidated branch feature: 

You can learn more about PO line matching in Ocerra here.