
  • How to export invoices and credit notes to MYOB.
  • How to read MYOB Export error messages.

How to export invoices to MYOB Acumatica

Navigate to Export list in Ocerra, e.g.:

Note: by default, Export page shows Approved, Exported = No, invoices. 

For test purposes, you can export from any status, e.g. received/started, submitted or approved. To change status, click on the drop-down icon next to State = Approve status and change it to a desired status, e.g.:

Please ensure an invoice is ready for export and has all the required information to go MYOB Acumatica. For example, you cannot export without adding a Supplier Name or Account to the invoice. 

Ocerra will prompt to add this information too. For example, if Subaccounts are required when entering a Bill in MYOB, it is required to enter a Subaccount in Ocerra in order for MYOB to accept the bill.

Select bills for export

Note: MYOB allows exporting up to 20 bills at a time. This means if you have more then 20 bills ready to go to MYOB, Ocerra will only bulk select 20 invoice at a time.

Here's an example of successful export to MYOB:

When invoice(s) successfully exported, you will see a message that a new invoice created, also, when exported, it is cleared from the Export List as it set to show Exported = No invoices:

Updating and Re-exporting invoices

Sometimes, you may need to update invoice in Ocerra and re-export it to MYOB again.

  • For this, set filter to exported = yes, an you will see invoices from the Export list that you have already exportd to MYOB.
  • When invoice exported the first time, the Export Result shows as Inserted.

  • Select invoice that you need to re-export and click Export Invoices button
  • When invoice is updated, the message at the top right corner will show New Invoice: 0; Updated 1
  • The Export Result message will change to from Inserted to Updated.

Ocerra bill in MYOB Acumatica

To check the export result, in MYOB Acumatica, navigate to Payables - Bills and Adjustments:

MYOB Bill Statuses

Ocerra will use MYOB Status that you are using to create a bill manually.

MYOB Description

By default, a "description" field in MYOB is auto-filled with the first line from the invoice. If a workflow comment is added, it will add the last workflow comment. If you need to change this settings, please contact support.

Export result Error Messages

These are MYOB Acumatica error messaged telling you that something didn't go right during the export process.

This message can be just a warning that invoice is missing some data, or financial period in your MYOB company is closed, or supplier does not exists (you have deleted it in MYOB but not in Ocerra), or invoice with the same supplier name and number have been entered (e.g. you have manually created this invoice in MYOB before).

Here's an example of the warning message from MYOB. It will pop up at the top right corner for a few seconds and you can see it in details in the Export Result column too:

Read the Export Result message to find out the problem and what needs to be fixed. If you can't understand the meaning of the MYOB error message (sometimes it is not obvious), please contact Ocerra support.

Error Message: Totals do not match

MYOB does not stop from exporting invoices where totals do not match. When you see this message, it tells that numbers are not matching and you need to check it in MYOB.

The message looks like this:


Totals do not match message tells that there was a rounding issue or in some cases, it was pushed as an unbalanced invoice, where header level figures, such as net, total and tax amounts are not matching with line-level figures.

Please ensure to check this invoice in MYOB, and if required, update it in Ocerra and use re-export option as described above.

Read next: Auto-export to MYOB Acumatica.