- In Ocerra, posting periods refer to specific time frames within which financial transactions, like invoices, can be recorded in MYOB Acumatica. When integrated with MYOB Acumatica, Ocerra checks the financial period status of each invoice before exporting.
Current Handling of Closed Periods
Currently, if an invoice is set for a closed period in MYOB Acumatica, Ocerra will automatically post it to the next open period. This default behaviour ensures continuity in processing invoices and prevents interruptions when a period has been closed.
Workaround for Clients Preferring Error Notifications
For clients who prefer not to have invoices automatically posted to the next open period, the following workarounds can be implemented:
Set Period Status in MYOB Acumatica:
Temporarily leave the relevant financial period open in MYOB Acumatica while processing invoices in Ocerra.
Once all invoices for the period have been exported, the period can then be closed manually.
Review Invoices Prior to Export:
While Ocerra does not currently display posting period information for invoices on export, clients can track and manage posting periods within MYOB Acumatica to ensure accuracy.
Establish an internal process to review and adjust invoices for correct period assignment before closing the period in MYOB Acumatica.
Monitor Period Closing Schedules:
Regularly monitor MYOB Acumatica’s period closing schedule to prevent accidental posting to the next open period.
Ensure invoices are processed while the period remains open.
Future Update: Configurable Posting Options
We recognise that some clients prefer more control over posting periods, especially if strict period accuracy is required. To accommodate different needs, we are working on a configurable option that will allow clients to select how Ocerra handles closed periods:
Automatic Posting to Next Open Period (current setting):
Invoices will continue to post to the next available open period.
Error Notification and Manual Adjustment (new option):
An error message will display if the period is closed, allowing users to manage the invoice manually.
This enhancement is targeted for release early next year.
While the new configurable posting options are under development, the suggested workarounds provide a temporary solution for clients who wish to avoid automatic postings. These steps can help maintain better control over period assignments and reduce reliance on automatic adjustments until the enhanced feature is available.