In this article, we will discuss the most common export errors and warnings encountered when using MYOB Acumatica.

  • Exception: An error occurred during the processing of the field Vendor Ref. value 0000 This vendor ref. number "0000" has already been used for the document "Bill, 00000"..

This indicates that you are attempting to export an invoice for which there is already an existing bill manually created with the same supplier and invoice number in MYOB Acumatica.

  • SuppliedByVendorID' cannot be empty 

    This means that you are attempting to export an invoices with Deactivated supplier. 

  • Error: The 01-2015 (date) financial period is closed in the MAIN company

You are attempting to export an invoice and  the financial period is already closed in MYOB. 

  • PayTypeID: Payment Method 'AUCBADC' cannot be found in the system

There is an issue with the Supplier/Vendor payment setup in your MYOB. Please note that the payment type is copied from the vendor to the bill. Kindly check the payment details for the selected vendor.