
  • Learn where to check the PO list for approval. 
  • Understanding PO statuses.

In Ocerra, you can easily keep track of all your pending purchase orders (POs) awaiting approval. This feature streamlines the approval process making it convenient for your team to review and approve them.

Accessing the 'PO Approval' list

  • Navigate to the approval folder, click the PO approval tab
  • The list will display all pending POs for approval  with a status of 'Draft' or 'Reviewed'
  • Select the PO to approve

PO statuses

Draft - when a PO is in the "Draft" status, the PO has been created but hasn't yet been reviewed or approved. Typically, the person who initiated the PO may still be in the process of finalising details. 

Reviewed - once a PO has been reviewed and verified, it transitions to the "Reviewed" status. A "Reviewed" PO is prepared for approval, indicating that it's ready to move forward in the approval workflow.

Approved - PO has been finalised and been approved, details cannot be edited after approval.

(!) Once a PO is approved, it will automatically be removed from the list, ensuring that you always have a clear view of pending approvals.