
  • How to enable auto-export of invoices from Ocerra to MYOB Acumatica

When you are just starting with Ocerra AP automation, we recommend to export invoices manually from the Export page. After some time, when you get confident with the new process and how Ocerra creates new bills in your system you can set up auto-export. 

Please note that the Export page may contain important information about the Export result. When you have auto-export enabled, please check this page from time to time to see if any invoices didn't go through and what is the reason. The message that you see in the Export result will be coming from MYOB Acumatica, e.g.:

Usually, if you try to manually create an AP bill in MYOB, you will see the same error message. Ocerra follows your MYOB settings and the Export Result is designed to bring the error message from MYOB to Ocerra so you know what is happening.

If MYOB didn't like something about the bill it will bring up the error message that you will see in the Export Result. If you don't know how to read this message, please send us a ticket.

Enabling auto-export in Ocerra

Navigate to MYOB Advanced integration settings:

  • Correctly write an invoice status that you would like to use for auto-export, e.g. Submitted, Approved.
  • Click "Save"

Please note, auto-export will happen every 20 minutes.

(!) If you've enabled auto-export to MYOB Acumatica, consider enabling auto-approval for Purchase Orders. Approved POs that match invoice details will be auto-exported without manual steps. 

Learn how to enable auto-approval for PO invoices.